

Frequently asked questions about PTP Indicator

The answer here is yes, we offer no credit card 30day all access trial. With Premium all access.

PTP TREND TRADER indicators are hosted in TradingView, 

  1. Become a member to Price Turning Points 
  2. Obtain a PTP Trend Trader Subscription 
  3. Sign Up for a free (BASIC) TradingView account here: Click Here 
  4. Provide Your TradingView Username: email: support@ptptrades.com along with your first and last name
  5. Within 24hours You will receive a confirmation email when you have been given access to PTP Trend Indicators  
  6. Add Indicators to TradingView Chart 
  7. Set Alerts 
  8. Enjoy the benefits of being a member 

For more information on How To Get Started: CLICK HERE

PTP TREND TRADER indicators are hosted on www.tradingview.com

Stock analysis is the evaluation of a particular trading instrument, an investment sector, or the market as a whole. Stock analysts attempt to determine the future activity of an instrument, sector, or market. Stock analysis is a method for investors and traders to make buying and selling decisions. By studying and evaluating past and current data, investors and traders attempt to gain an edge in the markets by making informed decisions. 

The second method of stock analysis is technical analysis. Technical analysis focuses on the study of past market action to predict future price movement. Technical analysts analyze the financial market as a whole and are primarily concerned with price and volume, as well as the demand and supply factors that move the market. Charts are a key tool for technical analysts.

PTP uses technical analysis as an approach to analysis


Fundamental analysis concentrates on data from sources, including financial records, economic reports, company assets, and market share.